Music Blog Romania

Songs of this summer


I was just looking back at some of the posts of this summer thse days. Yes, I know, there hasn’t been much posting going on and I am sorry for this. Maybe not enough new things, not enough time to write or a combination of both.

Still, I noticed some of the best songs of this summer – not necesarelly new – are missing and I am going to dedicate this post to them.

Citizen Cope – Brother Lee – Inspired and suggested by A., this song goes down to being nice, fun and quite refreshing. Good for mood-lifting :)

Hara & Tamango – Muro Shavo – Get’s me thinking of Vama Veche always and some of the old days at concerts there. Now this ain’t like that too much, no more concerts or too crowded usually. Still, definetely an inspirational song.

Manu Chao – Raining in Paradise – As I am looking forward to the new album to be released in September, this track makes the waiting easier. Missed them at Sziget, hope to catch them somewhere else. A great track !

Have a great summer !