Music Blog Romania

“I hate each and every bicycle in Beijing”


No BicyclesThis was the status a friend had over YM, a fraze which amuzed me a lot. Probably this is the way every lover feels like after an unsuccessful romance which had this song as a “foreplay”.

And of course a lot of lovers share a slow-dance on this song because it became so popular. Just like Metallica’s songs are so popular among fresh rockers.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe the song is excelent, nice lyrics and nice voice! It is just too much played nowadays and I usually don’t like when this is happening, because the song is so much aired that it looses something, that certain something which makes a song special if you hear it just when you need to, and not everytime you turn on the radio.

But then again, who am I to judge that….I had Nirvana’s “Where did you sleep last night” as an “our song” sometime ago :)Â